Shakyknees update Day 3
nine inch nails…. more to come gina and meetups, 30th birthday trio,, nashville chicks, means girls, dusting off old songs and making them light and bright. monumental attitude changing experience. i soooo need this mindset shift. permission to be intense, if not flat angry ready to let off steam. #stevenday covers of 70s songs. #destroyer there’s brass at warmup… excited. brass making interesting sounds, nontraditional. #briscoe from Austin, tx “she won’t be landing ..she burns away” sax devils daughter with brothers harmony. aint no sunshine cover needs a new spin- heard it 3x this weekend? tossing the editors on out. banjo came out, harmonica too now we are talking! “tell…
Shakyknees update Day 2
1. Green Day #greenday is gonna take some recovery! #gotanewoldfan septembers and i dont care that you dont care pictures all forth coming whoooooaaahhh! Blow your head off good! So amazing!🍑 2. I’m late and not prepared for acts i dont know. conserving energy will have to balance with i may not see these bands again and i only live once.🙀📚 3. missing sarahblue something fierce. 🤗 Who should i see first? #chastitybelt lose myself again with the little dots in my eyes lines of new music not yet released. #dojo very chill all in white Just misted by the mist fairy walking toward the stage. #hunny at criminal stage……
Shakyknees Update day1
refresh to get latest update i’m excited to go I’m missing my kid who i usually go with i’m changing, no time to waste! photos to come… chicago new song.#flipturn photos sliw and slow and sluw… just txt for now #motherfolk started out twang-y ………..,,,,, um not sure in line for merch then #aciddad beware of weird like nerdish notes from bookish type observations like git git hgit offffffff ur phone umok bored oberalls is the xcitations of this here line line. swag slow needs a jump start to the heart with a dart of the good good juju energy. if i do redbull now, i crash and…
River Hike at Morgan Falls Park
Amplify My Community 2022
Amplify Decatur is an organization that uses a music festival environment to raise funds for those that are facing homelessness. Its mission is to leverage the universal love of music to fight poverty at the local level. Decatur Cooperative Ministry’s mission is to help families facing homelessness settle into safe, stable homes and build healthy lives filled with peace, hope, and opportunity. Founded in 1969, Decatur Cooperative Ministry (DCM) offers transitional housing, shelter, homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing, and permanent supportive housing programs. DMC’s programs span the entire spectrum of currently recognized homelessness interventions. To accomplish this, DCM partners with 35 congregations from 14 denominations as well as private foundations, universities…
Steamboat Lounge’s Oyster Fest February 2022 – Midtown
There was a couple at our table that had all their tools and spices with them. Evidently in previous years, there wasn’t enough supply for all the crowds. We talked with folks that have been coming to this festival for many years just for the goods. Who knew? Not me, I don’t eat oysters. I’m here for the shrimp, the company, and the music! Jive revival was rocking it early. If I had been doing music, I think they could have gone for a longer set and further into the afternoon. However, I might be partial to this band in particular. Here’s to all the places that we weren’t able…
Birthday Live Music
Two different nights at Eddie’s Attic. It was a lovely weekend of amazing artists and crowd interactions. This is my favorite venue. It’s so exciting to see it snap right back. The sound and the vibe is like medicine. We are going to be ok! The joy of discovering amazing artists and hearing their stories. We don’t need cover songs, we need your songs!
Outside air, Big Trees
Spring is started here… All those projects that require cooler weather, your priority just got moved up! These are the days. I feel energy returning and thrive is on the way with the spring time air. Our world has been upside down for two years. Much journeyed through, now on to the next! Savannah beckons. That backyard beckons. Projects that beckon too. More work than time? Maybe not. It’s funny how we think we need to do things and then the wrinkles smooth out and we don’t. There are weddings on the horizon, warm weather and much to look forward to! Live music be mine! And if you dare read…
Bend and Soften
Brains, Advocates, vacations Hearts that mend When we bend and soften Get to the loft or you’ll be lost Hold on fast and don’t be chaste The time is now for single wow Make your vow and allow This who wish to be a dish And insist on a new creation A stair step to higher ground That will turn your frown With utmost care and to be fair You may need another lair Or just six more layers Blocks and chains and thistle To wet your glorious whistle With steep brewed coffee And comfort sweet heath toffee Get the walls up. The foundation is laid. The colors in spade…
What are the Odds? – Poem and Reading
“What are the Odd’s?” It’s not fodder Don’t listen to the old tapes It’s time to scrape them out Once the [blue] spot is spotted Get out the broom before The loon’s set in To tell their opinion Spinning, Spinning to circle back To old tapes, new vibe If you let them “But what if they world was different?” “How do we set our imaginations to see?” Can we follow the bees To the hive where the secrets are kept? Have you slept through the lessons Of Science? The price of their lives Is ours and vice versa. Water the people so they will know. Fire, wind, rain, [drought] Time…