
Return the words


You can’t get your six
“I Love You’s” in song form

If you are too busy saying
IT back

(Even if just in your head)

In the moment
Drinking it all in
The moon, the night air
Sounds of the earth
Tone and pitch inflection
That is unique to you

It is heard and learned
With each time

No waiting 
to say it back
Say it first, mean it

No waiting around
Action and movement
Even in NO movement

“I love you” heard
You know you want to
Return the word
For this new 
Unknown and few love

Where the variables
Are better sewn more
From one side
Than the others

The mirror glass
Of watching betrays
Him with time
Will she lay it
On the line?

Say it after and
With feeling
To make him
Dizzy with
Her own delight
Of not requite

Each new movement
Venue of proximity
The seedling grows
Hardens off
And makes the steady climb
To the heat and light
Of many time bided

She falls…

How many shitty 
First drafts can we have?

As many as the 
“I Love You’s” that
Can be said in a row

Without the need of a

Owner of this page... be careful of the sarcasmic factor.

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