Thursday Seeds | Math is the Way
Math and Calculus are used to create the strength of a lens that can correct our vision. Sure, computers do that mostly now but it’s all based on math, physics and calculus. Here are pictures for those of you that are already weirded out by this post. Math is not bad, it’s GOOD!! I know you could be traumatized by your early teachers, parents, friends that would ask, “You don’t know that?!?” or “You are wrong.” Do not let it! If the numbers stress you, think of the pictures. Circles, Squares, triangles. Not geometry theorems so much because they could also stress you. Stay in the fun side with me…
Thursday Seeds | Get her to think
“Everything is a catchable throw.” [Epictetus] It’s a way around the idea of being perfect. And I don’t know about you, but I am far from it. And with that said, there are skill sets that I do have that should be celebrated and also cultivated. I’m alive and so I should still grow. I can plant seeds on my own behalf. I think we call them #intensions . I need to keep learning. It’s never a task that is done, it is constantly changing and moving just as I intake air. Change is not a bad thing, It means you are alive. No change equals DEATH. I’m not…
Thursday Seeds| Boil Her Down
Thursday Seeds | Water Her Down (Part 2)
Immerse her in water. She needs to be pulled out of a concentrated state and put back into balance. Because the frequency sounds of waves on the shore have been scientifically proven to heal the body, she needs to go to the shore, the beach, the lake for medicinal purposes. Sure, we say it’s for work life balance but this is a part of the watering down of the concentrated parts that want to ask “Is this all there is?” Water has that answer in spades. “No, dear Chile, it’s not all there is. Come with me and see the endless blues and greens.” We joke about being salty when…
Thursday Seeds | Water Her Down (Part 1)
Just like the plants, she needs water. Every human is 60% water. She needs more. There are internet breakdowns that suggest that we need even more depending on the part of the body. Brain: 75%. Blood 83% Heart: 79% Bones: 22% Muscles: 75% Liver: 85%. Kidneys: 83% And this water that resides cannot just sit there. Circulatory system doesn’t work so well unless that water comes right back out. And guess what, It can’t JUST be from the kidneys. That means sweat. She has to sweat. She has to sweat it. She has to move until she sweats. Now the most delicious way to do that is: ……. …
Thursday Seeds | Drop a Toe in the cold
Try something new! “Try it, you’ll like it!” “I didn’t know I liked that!” “Have you tried ______?” Venture away from the familiar and try something new. What are you afraid of? That something new might get you lost? It might lead to cold limbs? It might lead to the best gelato that you’ve tasted since that place in Buckhead around the corner from the Cafe tu tu tango. It’s possible. You might be cold while you enjoy it. March has lead us into a nice early spring but cold weather could invade at any time and quite frankly, we are already spoiled with the warmer weather. Have you put…
Thursday Seeds | Discipline Your own Destiny
Wake up early Steal the day – call in sick And just sit Make yourself let go of it You know it’s nagging at you AND by the third day (long weekend) You start to unwind and let go And what flows out of you Is good And you may even have the perception that it’s better than the first day. Because you haven’t learned that lesson “Neither good or bad.” And once you get that lesson Fear no longer rules you And your abilities are no longer inhibited. You start to wake up early Walking in the morning Stretches as soon as you get out of the bed Breakfast…
Thursday Seeds | Motivate Yourself
Motivating yourself is not that hard if it is regarding subjects that naturally interest you. The first item is to ask yourself the question: “what is your passion?” Once your direction is decided, and really even if you are still in the process of deciding, you can begin with setting a routine. There are tenants for your routine that you can list out and work towards making them happen. You’d like to write? Set a routine at the same time every day with a time limit for practice. Journaling after and then research that leads into the heavy writing of your next book. These points work if writing is your…
Thursday Seeds: Forced Progress
You’ve made a deadline for yourself. You picked it out more than a year ago. So much has happened since then. And yet still you are going to make this happen come “not heaven or high water.” (See what I did there? It falls flat doesn’t it?) It comes together. The browns should in fact have a whole lot more depth and shades to them because your work is centered around the theme of dirt. Your empire of dirt is flat because you forced it. If you had found out that the theme of dirt was the case earlier, then maybe your mix of paints would be the very thing…
Thursday Seeds: Inner Listening
It can only happen when you stop and do so with intention. The reason could be, as I saw on a TV show last night, to reaffirm that happens next. A brief pause even in a critical emergency that can deviate the course of the outcome. It was the case in diagnosing a patient. A few seconds of waiting in that setting that can seem like a life time. And yet, it’s only long enough to hear what wasn’t heard or to correct what was likely mis-heard. It happens. We want the best things to happen and yet that might not actually be what is actually going on. That course…