Thursday Seeds | Remember the Schedule
Meditation practice is about refraining from the monkey mind thoughts, that sometimes are not even your own, to come back to what is called the present moment. They could be things that you should be doing, the things that you did that you could have done better, the cat in the other room that needs to stop clawing up the couch, etc. The idea is to let go of all the other things, concentrate on what is right here, right now. This moment only. In keeping a schedule, it is a similar practice though not exactly the same. There are time points in the day, we call them appointments, that…
Thursday Seeds | Find Your Marigold
The subject of marigolds lends the question of are you a gardener. In the gardening world, Marigolds are just that, gold. They help in the garden immensely in specific ways. There are specific bugs and creatures that are repelled and attracted to this plant. The “bad” bugs are attracted to it so it saves other plants from infestation. Squirrels like to eat it. I’ve watched squirrels pull the blooms off in their hands and eat them like they were a delicacy and not the prevalent flower in the garden that they are. And as fond as they are of them, deer don’t care for them. If you are looking to…
Thursday Seeds | Goose is good
Duck, duck, duck,…………GOOSE!!! Did you play it as a kid? Did you play it with your kids? The goose is good. It means there is a chase! There is movement and the anticipation is over. There is even the potential for another round if the game AND another goose! The goose doesn’t get cooked in this game. The goose does get some exercise. This goose loves water. Good food lives on the water and so does goosey type friends. And while air is important for wing stretching, all the other elements are needed too. The golden goose loves the sun but also understands the need for rainy days and cloudy…
Thursday Seeds| Beast of Burden
Beast of Burden. First thought? The Rolling Stones. Definition of it? An animal used for carrying loads. Load carrying/bearing walls cannot be knocked down if you want to keep the integrity of the structure. If we got back to the lyrics of the song by the Rolling stones, it’s about not looking co-dependently for another to carry your load. You can carry your own pack. Don’t want to kill yourself? Pack light. Lighten the load! If you are a pack rat, this isn’t a simple thing to do. If you haven’t done your homework, you could take out a load bearing wall which could take your progress back to the…
Thursday Seeds | Get Naked
Be careful who you share your details with. They might be listening. Same with ideas, especially if it’s a product idea or an idea that could change a business. Those should be share after the requirement of money, not just given away for free. Do you value your body? Do you value your ideas? Cover them and share them only with those that are trusted. There is the public self and the private self. Bad things happen when the private self gets so public that assumptions can be made. Misunderstandings create the drama, not the good drama, but the bad. And so when someone says, “I see what you are…
Thursday Seeds | Don’t Say It, Yell it!
This is a post for those of us that rarely ask for what we need. It feels uncomfortable and awkward to say the least. It feels like whining and weakness. And so, we just suffer through. And our kids watch us, the nephew and niece that look up to us do it too. They catch on that this might even be a sign of strength. We can play hurt and we can take a hit. We can sit down and be miserable and turn that energy into a true strength that others would see as genuine. And most times, it actually is. But there are times when that can become…
Thursday Seeds | lay down the letters
“It’s all in how you lay down the letters.” You are playing board games with your date. It’s winter, the fire is on, coffee is on the table with this scrabble board. He is a fanatic about board games and impressed that you own a board from all the way back to the 90’s. You have how many words down on the board unchallenged? He has just as many. The game is getting cutthroat. He places this word on the board: QUEAN You look at him with hesitancy… Did he mean to? He nods his head slowly. “You want to have me look it up for you? It’ll cost you…
Thursday Seeds | Monkey Mind
I should do this. In the middle of doing this, I need to do that! What’s the laundry look like? Did that kid of mine lock the door? Is the coffee pot on? [insert other appliance that can take you down this road] You know this road? It’s the road that keeps you from what you most need to do: CALM DOWN! Not one person can tell you to calm down and you do it. It almost never works unless you’ve done the work. Did you forget that person’s name that you are about to introduce? Worse, did you say their name wrong? “Where’s Jeff?” “Oh you mean Jim?” Oops.…
Thursday Seeds | Feelings are Feelings
Do you know that feeling of someone that wants exclusive time with you? It’s nice. Do you know that feeling of some folks that want to exclude you from their time? Not nice. Maybe they included you before but don’t want to anymore. It begs the question why. Why would they exclude you? You did something they didn’t like. You were too loud, too sharing, too closed off, too pretty, too ugly, too petty, too not them… What’s your reaction to that? A feeling. There are opinions as to whether you were those things. There are opinions that it’s not even about you at all. …until it is. What are…
Thursday Seeds| Plants are people too!
Plants can be as good at being friends as any person. They love it when you talk and they don’t talk back. Sure there is science behind that. O2 versus CO2 and who needs what and who expels what. In the 70’s, it was “talk” to your plants to make them grow. But now most folks are aware of the science behind it. I’m betting that this is pretty important stuff when you are in the orbit of our plant on the international space station. And now, most sustainable gardens are known too. Guess why. They don’t stop talking about them! Ha! You must be a plant! Here’s the trick,…