Thursday Seeds | Clear the Board
Things that should be done nightly: Clear your desk and clear your computer desktop. Why? It keeps you more secure, no prying eyes on what you are working on until you are ready to discuss, divulge, collaborate, or mandate. It keeps assumptions down for the passers by who think they saw something but saw it wrong. This way you control your narrative: when it is looked upon, what the context is leading in, and how it would be perceived. Personal items in a negotiation situation can later be used as leverage. Think of the episode in Suits where the painting that makes the High character think of his mother and…
Tuesday Irish sessions🍀💙
And here we are back at Thomas Orielly’s Public House… where changes of decor have changed the sound and site of the best Irish music you can find in the South! See what you think on any given Tuesday, 7pm Irish time 🍀 If you are still with us… here’s some more shots! Butch’s birthday bash with the 77 Zeros!! And… a few videos cuz Butch’ beautiful wife IS a dancer and you just need some cow bell in your life!!!
Desk lamp light
Thursday Seeds | Monkey Mind
I should do this. In the middle of doing this, I need to do that! What’s the laundry look like? Did that kid of mine lock the door? Is the coffee pot on? [insert other appliance that can take you down this road] You know this road? It’s the road that keeps you from what you most need to do: CALM DOWN! Not one person can tell you to calm down and you do it. It almost never works unless you’ve done the work. Did you forget that person’s name that you are about to introduce? Worse, did you say their name wrong? “Where’s Jeff?” “Oh you mean Jim?” Oops.…
Thursday Seeds | Feelings are Feelings
Do you know that feeling of someone that wants exclusive time with you? It’s nice. Do you know that feeling of some folks that want to exclude you from their time? Not nice. Maybe they included you before but don’t want to anymore. It begs the question why. Why would they exclude you? You did something they didn’t like. You were too loud, too sharing, too closed off, too pretty, too ugly, too petty, too not them… What’s your reaction to that? A feeling. There are opinions as to whether you were those things. There are opinions that it’s not even about you at all. …until it is. What are…
Happy Fourth of July
Thursday Seeds| Plants are people too!
Plants can be as good at being friends as any person. They love it when you talk and they don’t talk back. Sure there is science behind that. O2 versus CO2 and who needs what and who expels what. In the 70’s, it was “talk” to your plants to make them grow. But now most folks are aware of the science behind it. I’m betting that this is pretty important stuff when you are in the orbit of our plant on the international space station. And now, most sustainable gardens are known too. Guess why. They don’t stop talking about them! Ha! You must be a plant! Here’s the trick,…
Thursday Seeds | Math is the Way
Math and Calculus are used to create the strength of a lens that can correct our vision. Sure, computers do that mostly now but it’s all based on math, physics and calculus. Here are pictures for those of you that are already weirded out by this post. Math is not bad, it’s GOOD!! I know you could be traumatized by your early teachers, parents, friends that would ask, “You don’t know that?!?” or “You are wrong.” Do not let it! If the numbers stress you, think of the pictures. Circles, Squares, triangles. Not geometry theorems so much because they could also stress you. Stay in the fun side with me…
Fledglings of another kind!
Red Tail Hawk fledgling. He was discovered in the neighborhood on the roof of a car. Not hurt, just not used to this flying stuff. Practice makes perfect!! The mom did swoop in, complete with wings pulled in, like she was a jet. She seemed to calm when she had sight of the feathered brat. I wasn’t able to capture here on the phone but I suspect we will see them around in the next few days.
Watering Lilies