Thursday Seeds | Don’t Say It, Yell it!
This is a post for those of us that rarely ask for what we need. It feels uncomfortable and awkward to say the least. It feels like whining and weakness. And so, we just suffer through. And our kids watch us, the nephew and niece that look up to us do it too. They catch on that this might even be a sign of strength. We can play hurt and we can take a hit. We can sit down and be miserable and turn that energy into a true strength that others would see as genuine. And most times, it actually is. But there are times when that can become…
Thursday Seeds | Forced Readings
Required reading for a class Forced reading – Reading assignments for every night as a kid taking all the joy out of it. Required reading for a job Required reading for instructions on how to … The resistance that shows up. If you fight, I’ll fight back. If you trick me, I’ll still evade Forcing yourself to sit on the couch and you can’t get up until the book is done. Why? The book won’t be in your possession to read later. It’s not at the library. You get it now or never. [that’s a song, oldie but goodie] Doing it while excited about something else. Doing it after doing…
Thursday Seeds | Time Capsules
I love my cats. These Kat Kats get impatient if I don’t make the motions of getting their goodies. And they have me trained too. I can either get to the door where the food is, or I can get to the door where the food is faster. Otherwise they are on me. The “don’t forget” neon sign is on them pretty quickly and I am herded to the right place in the house: the kitchen. The animals that know when you need them. Here’s to them. You are sad or feeling anxiety? My cats pick up on it and come immediately unless their face is in the food bowl.…
Blair Crimmons July 2024
Northside Tavern
Thursday Seeds | lay down the letters
“It’s all in how you lay down the letters.” You are playing board games with your date. It’s winter, the fire is on, coffee is on the table with this scrabble board. He is a fanatic about board games and impressed that you own a board from all the way back to the 90’s. You have how many words down on the board unchallenged? He has just as many. The game is getting cutthroat. He places this word on the board: QUEAN You look at him with hesitancy… Did he mean to? He nods his head slowly. “You want to have me look it up for you? It’ll cost you…
red lips means we are going out! not just up to the pub, but dancing!
Thursday Seeds | Clear the Board
Things that should be done nightly: Clear your desk and clear your computer desktop. Why? It keeps you more secure, no prying eyes on what you are working on until you are ready to discuss, divulge, collaborate, or mandate. It keeps assumptions down for the passers by who think they saw something but saw it wrong. This way you control your narrative: when it is looked upon, what the context is leading in, and how it would be perceived. Personal items in a negotiation situation can later be used as leverage. Think of the episode in Suits where the painting that makes the High character think of his mother and…
Tuesday Irish sessions🍀💙
And here we are back at Thomas Orielly’s Public House… where changes of decor have changed the sound and site of the best Irish music you can find in the South! See what you think on any given Tuesday, 7pm Irish time 🍀 If you are still with us… here’s some more shots! Butch’s birthday bash with the 77 Zeros!! And… a few videos cuz Butch’ beautiful wife IS a dancer and you just need some cow bell in your life!!!
Desk lamp light
Thursday Seeds | Monkey Mind
I should do this. In the middle of doing this, I need to do that! What’s the laundry look like? Did that kid of mine lock the door? Is the coffee pot on? [insert other appliance that can take you down this road] You know this road? It’s the road that keeps you from what you most need to do: CALM DOWN! Not one person can tell you to calm down and you do it. It almost never works unless you’ve done the work. Did you forget that person’s name that you are about to introduce? Worse, did you say their name wrong? “Where’s Jeff?” “Oh you mean Jim?” Oops.…