Thursday Seeds | Eat Yer Bacon
Bacon is bad for you. Bacon is good for you. Bacon is meat and it also contains sulfites and too much sodium and back in the day before refrigeration, it was one of the only ways you could eat meat that wasn’t freshly killed. Kill the animal. Kill the idea. Kill the grammar police and the spelling bee. Kill the switch. Kill the witch. Kill the fatted calf. Kill the hog. Swim with the hog. [insert picture of paradise island where pigs swim in clear blue waters.] Lord of the Flies…. I just read that one. Somehow I escaped it as required reading in English class. Not the Illiad or…
Thursday Seeds | Think of the Forsaken
Who are the Forsaken? Those that have come and gone? Those that have been forgotten? Those that lack something: food, money, attention? Those that lack….home and all its comforts. Those that are never discovered. Why are they never discovered? Premature death in the timeline. Crossroads moment that changes their trajectory from you. Are they really forsaken if you never meet them? Perhaps it’s only You who are the forsaken then. Because I never met [this person], I am forsaken. But then also, so are they! For it is a yin and yang. If you never meet me, then I never meet you. We both lose. Nameste Think of them.…
Thursday Seeds | Happy Thanksgiving
We hope you have a lovely day with family and friends. See you all next week! 🍗🦃✌️
Fall 2024
Perfect season shot? 
Thursday Seeds | Ship it
I’m having a little difficulty getting my thoughts down on paper. It’s all wordy, the concepts make me cringe, and the idioms will not go away. I know that it’s just a phase and that I’ll come out of it stronger. It even reminds me of past times when this has happened. I know what to do. I’ll reach for a book that reminds me to play hurt and I’ll keep with the practice of another book. I think I know what happened. This is about my own leveling up and owning up to what needs to happen next. I can’t sit and believe the things that others tell me.…
Thursday Seeds | Give to the Fake
The object of artifice? It’s to sell something with a frame or narrative. It’s not a lie exactly, it’s the truth cloaked. It’s usually for a purpose and the best artifice is fiction story. You can tell the truth, the naked truth in fiction and folks will be ok with it. The naked truth as truth, it’s not well received. The fake news and who will believe it? Are you a consumer? (We all are to some degree) But do you only take it in and never use it for benefit? Is it something you gossip about? Well meaning of course. What if it’s about you? And you KNOW it’s…
11-10 sketch
Inspiration from my own camera shot in the garden last month and a class on Sat that coveted the many varieties of golden rod and endangered bumblebees. Procreate layers and layers 🐝 The photo…
Nov 5 Irish Sessions
Irish Sessions every Tuesday Night. I was snapping and videoing last night. Here’s what I have. If you scroll to the bottom, there are videos of the beautiful music and the dancers! Slainte! Dulcimer Beginnings. Marie has a new instrument! Johnny Jump up – Jack Dancers on the Sessions Stage – Gearing up for Irish Fest! Irishfestatlanta.org Irish Dance instructor on the Sessions stage Irish Dancers on the tile Lisa McCann – Irish singing a cappella with lilting Lisa McCann – Song 2
Thursday Seeds | Candy
10-30-24 Candy. I’ll need it for tomorrow And Honoring loved ones that have gone before. Even if they are all on the other side, they still help you with what they have gone through. Even if you don’t even know what their stories were. Maybe you know the location or the year of birth and marriage. But the day to day could be hidden in the details and get so very similar to your own. Some rail against life being so similar. There are some of us that think that life should be evolving, changing into something better at each iteration or generation. And are we? If we measure history,…