
Thoughts on New Years Eve

In a globally minded world, New Year’s Eve is a funny thing. If you Have people in more than one time zone, then you realize that the celebration of New Year’s is not always the same time.

In the year 2000 of my favorite fireworks image was of the Eiffel Tower, and how the fireworks sparkled all around the tower. This year the pictures I took screenshots of and maybe the place I pulled them from wouldn’t like that, but I’m going to share them anyway, here they are:

Another amazing thing about this year is that I’ve been stingy with my time. I did not want to go out and party. I wanted to stay in and get a jump on the new year and here’s me doing that. Happy New Year to everyone!🪇🗼🗽🎆

Owner of this page... be careful of the sarcasmic factor.

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