Thoughts on New Years Eve
In a globally minded world, New Year’s Eve is a funny thing. If you Have people in more than one time zone, then you realize that the celebration of New Year’s is not always the same time. In the year 2000 of my favorite fireworks image was of the Eiffel Tower, and how the fireworks sparkled all around the tower. This year the pictures I took screenshots of and maybe the place I pulled them from wouldn’t like that, but I’m going to share them anyway, here they are: Another amazing thing about this year is that I’ve been stingy with my time. I did not want to go out…
Irish sessions ☘️ 3rd Sunday at 6S
What a fabulous day at the 6S! The session could be heard down the street beckoning passers by in for a pint or a sit with the music. The musicians are a special lot and this group is making 3rd Sunday a fun day. Take a look for yourself. My little sketch while they played:
Enoli catch
So something happened yesterday and today and I just feel like I should blog it. The cat came scurrying in with something in her mouth. She’s nine years old it’s the other cat who is younger that I would expect to do this. The first thing I did was check to be sure that it wasn’t a chipmunk. It wasn’t. So what was this in her mouth, not a bunch of leaves? Now before I was smart, I called it a lizard and most lizards were always named Lizzie but this one is really an Enoli and it’s gonna need a different name but let me tell you the story…
Test the video
skinning kats
So, the post would not load with a photo but it did place it in the library. Can I post it from there? trying. SUCCESS! There are going to be a LOT more posts here. Why should I use Facebook to generate? I can have my own place without having another app’s terms. #wordpresstest #catstories #cat
Part four actually posting a picture
so in my last post, I mentioned that I was going to add a picture and I didn’t but what I really wanted to see is if I still could get a post to show up on my blog from the WordPress app. This time I’m actually going to post a picture, I hope. [ ONLY worked from internet browser for the post to upload] The photo made it to the media library though… buggy at best. #wordpresstest
Part three we’re adding pictures
Let’s see if I can have text in this text block using WordPress app and also add a photo.🙀 #wordpresstest
Part two
Let’s see if we can do this again. I would like to see if I can post this text block with no photos and see if it actually goes to my blog from the WordPress app. #wordpresstest
as if. Period period. Period.
what I’m doing right now is testing to see if I can get the WordPress app to work with my normal blog. I spent a bunch of time creating sentences that I thought were worth posting and then the app deleted them. so let’s see if it does it again. #wordpresstest
caturday Saturday