Season’s change, colors, spiders, and bats
Have you ever tried to snap a flying bat? They are busy eating bugs. I hope they eat all the mosquitos out there! Mostly it’s a blur and you just snap through hoping that one of the images might reveal that speck in the sky… I think I did ok with this one though it’ll take a zoom in to be sure… Just a little note on these pictures. I shoot high res but i’m not posting them here in that resolution. Why? So they stay mine. If you are interested in higher res photos, just shoot me a note. The internet is a crazy place.
Another step of understanding:
Weigh Every Note Create your own sound curtain Weigh every note No longer censored and managed Each pitch and breath to rote At a short term vantage Hold your breath Make them see memory You are worthy Of sound thought Carefully taught Tower of babel Do you spout truth? Is it cultured scrabble? Conscious droplets on a roof Pounce on the Ponce Drain the dark energy Breathe in peace Brain free to roam Each foot print the progress of ease Frequency waves announce the doorway to home
Quick assignment:
Brains Brains, grey matter French bread crusty crunch Chain links of a rusted metal fence Armed and ready forces Take over the conversation. An interruption, a pause A slight second of rest. She lays quietly to contemplate What staying will do Cost the Mission. Red and orange and a slight tinge Of blue Remain on her fingers As she crosses the divide Plunging into unknown territory Where are the alley cats? Will the guard dog chase? Can she keep running? A tree, tall and round Sturdy with stable logic Asks the question Would it hurt to stay? The leaves change and drop Landscape will be the same And yet not.
Fall spider setting up shop…
Teach me how to spin, amazing one. If I can weave a story like you spin your web, then the laundry list of ideas in my head have a grand place to be. They could air out and become something worth keeping like sturdy vintage outfits to be scene from 360 degrees of point of view angles. Poor fly, you are lunch! Did you see the beauty of this art spin? What is not in the picture are the three fortified lines that serve as the foundation of this web. Two above on the gutter and one that runs almost horizontal at the edge of the patio. They are what…
Mid September 2020
What a year?!? Outside shots before the leaves change…. [Pictures] Since all of us are driving less and we had those months of lock down, I wonder if our change of seasons will reflect less carbon footprint this year. Not sure if it is all related or not. At the old place, the bunnies flourished without human interaction. What of the rest of the ecosystem? Lichen, leaves, trees, woodthrush….oh my!
Hallo world!
WP and clear slates, new content, and more prolifics here than before.