Thursday Seeds | Don’t Say It, Yell it!
This is a post for those of us that rarely ask for what we need. It feels uncomfortable and awkward to say the least. It feels like whining and weakness. And so, we just suffer through. And our kids watch us, the nephew and niece that look up to us do it too. They catch on that this might even be a sign of strength.
We can play hurt and we can take a hit. We can sit down and be miserable and turn that energy into a true strength that others would see as genuine. And most times, it actually is. But there are times when that can become the crutch. It keeps us from the next leg of our journey where we don’t stay in that state. We have to move on. To stay in it would be to stagnate and we all know that it won’t spell growth.
How do we get out of it?
Meditation. Being quiet with yourself. It’s one of the hardest skills to learn, this letting go. But with a little practice, the opposite starts to happen. We know how to release and its opposite is to hold on. In the spirit of yen and yang, now we can hold on with perspective. We know what we need. We’ve been listening to our bodies.
I crave Broccoli. Someone else is cooking for me. I can quietly be ignored when I ask for this seemingly small thing that will help my heath or I can speak loud enough to be heard over the loud music, the loud voices, the loud social media that is pouring into our brains. And while I’m not convinced that social media is the devil, I’m well aware he is there and loves it.
“I said, I need BROCCOLI!” She said loud enough for the whole place to hear. #yellit
“Calm down, we will get you some Broccoli,” is the return.
And then is she misunderstood? Does it seem like she’s angry? She isn’t, she just wants to be heard over the noise of the restaurant speaker, the crowds and their voices, the social media attention of everyone on their phone. And it takes that to be heard.
And once you do it once, you get emboldened. And you start asking again. And your voice doesn’t have to be so loud because you’ve helped train your loved ones to hear you. They are listening now. The phones go down when you start talking. And everyone is the better for it.
Sidenote: I’m using benign asks in this post. It might not be broccoli that will cure it all but it is a start.