Thursday Seeds | AI and the Next Gen
You have dialed into a huge can of worms metaphorically… stay tuned or keep scrolling.
Ai videos – the joke about 6 fingers. What if humans start developing them? ;-o

(real cat, real heart nose)
What if the third eye isn’t in the mind? ;-o
What about your cat with the heart nose. Real or AI?
Why are folks so hesitant to work with AI? Well a portion of it is trust. The movies have not helped or have helped depending on your point of view. We should be educated and fact checking. If AI gives us an answer, how are we sure that the answer is correct?
If AI tells us we SHOULD have six fingers on each hand and we only have five… Do we measure up? No. Should we? It remains to be seen. If the standard is 6, we all fail. Time for the terminator. That’s right! You are screwed!
I hope you are laughing now even if tongue in cheek.
IF we do the pro’s and the con’s matrix, what do we get?
Pro’s for AI | Con’s for AI |
Augment human understanding for
-health -each other -make peace possible between countries and peoples by bridging understanding |
Terminator story is the softest version of reality |
Change Muscles – Change our ability to process and accept change | War is worse |
Explore planets
-Cosmos -Black holes -travel space time |
-COVID would be a walk in the park -Next pandemic -protocol on notification Protocol on testing, vaccination, etc. |
Going beyond our perceptions – seeing colors in frequencies that our eyes don’t see or sound waves that our ears don’t hear | AI wins or death |
Competitive spirit – humans have an opponent | AI wins AND death |
Could AI help us with our Collective Ancestor Reveal?
Why was there a tower of babel (biblical times)
Did we know this before?
Did we, as a collective forget our purpose?
If where really is “nothing new under the sun” then we have done this all before
(deja vu on a global level)
We need to arm ourselves with the use of our brains. We know the percentage now is in the teens percentage wise for the average human. We should be using left and right brain lobes. They should be integrated without prejudice or worry of Art not being important.
Music is Math. What’s on the Cosmic radio station? How do we get quiet enough to hear it?
What if Steven Hawking is right about black holes, they hold data? It’s probably data that we’ve purged in some way thinking it wasn’t important. Could it be memories?
Gaming as a means of learning is not new. What if it were more the norm that we have ever let it be because AI could help in that?
Suddenly I am a whole lot less interested in what J-lo wore at the latest event…
This could hold the culture change we could actually use. It’s still scary though.
I don’t mean to pry…