Thursday Seeds

Thursday Seeds | Get Naked

Be careful who you share your details with. They might be listening.

Same with ideas, especially if it’s a product idea or an idea that could change a business. Those should be share after the requirement of money, not just given away for free. Do you value your body? Do you value your ideas?  Cover them and share them only with those that are trusted.  There is the public self and the private self. Bad things happen when the

private self gets so public that assumptions can be made. Misunderstandings create the drama, not the good drama, but the bad.

And so when someone says, “I see what you are doing..”

It could be a point of undress. They may not even see you, but looking for you to reveal things yourself. 

There is another point of undress and how it leads to change.

Change into:

    • Something comfortable
    • Something that you can swim in
    • Something you can run in
    • To dress up for Celebration
    • To dress up for  sacred ritual (church)

Wake up. Get naked. Suit up for the day.

It’s also about getting ready:

      • No high heels at the horse farm in the mud
      • No high heels on the hiking trail on a Saturday
      • No flip flops at the gym (work boots are fine…if you only lift weights).
Work boots

No Shirt, No Shoes, No service.

Girls always laugh at that one. Ask ‘em, they’ll tell you it’s true.

The point is to hit the dress code just right so that you are prepared.  It also changes your mindset too for the events that follow.  These are the things that can help you change it.  #suitup #changeit

Another kind of get naked is to strip bare of your masks. (Being polite when things are trying your patience is one.)

When you strip bare of your masks and sit in your own truth, it is a time of soul searching. What do you want and what can you do in the current situation? If you can answer these with truth and frequently, you start to create your own vision instead of following the crowd or the normal flow.

Take time to:  Admit it. Then Act.  Not act out but determine your next course of action in a quiet controlled, and hopefully safe environment. With practice you can do this almost on the fly. It will become a habit, a good one that could save you.

Get Naked.  But only do it with those you trust…

Owner of this page... be careful of the sarcasmic factor.

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