Thursday Seeds

Thursday Seeds | Feelings are Feelings

Do you know that feeling of someone that wants exclusive time with you? It’s nice.

Do you know that feeling of some folks that want to exclude you from their time? Not nice.

Maybe they included you before but don’t want to anymore.  It begs the question why. 

Why would they exclude you? You did something they didn’t like. You were too loud, too sharing, too closed off, too pretty, too ugly, too petty, too not them…

What’s your reaction to that? A feeling. There are opinions as to whether you were those things. There are opinions that it’s not even about you at all.  …until it is.

What are you gonna do about it? Mope. Close off from them. Or Explain your feelings to them. Or Something you haven’t thought of yet.

What are you met with when you try to explain? Close door:  Time to go.  Open door and listening: time to do the work and actually share your feeling.

Nine times out of ten: it’s a misunderstanding. You think you know the reason why but you don’t.  Maybe you only know part of the reason why and not the whole? Would it change your opinion of them or of yourself if you knew more or the whole truth?

How much truth do you want to share?  It means exposing yourself to these feelings. The risk of hurt feelings.  But also the risk of true understanding means that you have something tangible to work on.

It’s worth the risk!

Put your heart out there. If they close the door, then move on, but what if it’s a matter of not fully understanding? What if they are just as scared to be honest as you are? 

Feelings are Feelings.

#feelthem #faceyourfear #allowthehurt 

Politics is a touchy subject. It’s not even discussed with those that you don’t want to know what they think, usually. This year is a pivotal year. Few can get away with that anymore. You have to speak up and out about what you believe in or it will all go away. You will lose your right to do so. So when faced with different opinions of those that you love, the answer is to listen. 

They are going to get heated. They are going to be sad about it. These systems of ours are misunderstood and broken in many cases. We are not perfect in this country. But we have zero chance in hell if we don’t start listening to each other and what is needed. Actions are proving that we really aren’t doing that very well. But there is hope. If we can listen with the spirit of knowing that feelings are feelings. To have a heated conversation of different opinions is not an attack on you, it’s an attack or omission of the problems. It’s the first step to true solutions. 

Fears of the heart, fears of the career, fears of the world and natural disasters. We can face them together and work on them. We can pull together as a community and leave space for opinions that aren’t exactly ours. 

I’m throwing stones here. Did I hit you? #sorrynotsorry

Owner of this page... be careful of the sarcasmic factor.

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