
Sluething the marigolds

Look it up if you don’t know it.

The word that I learned about today was Waymo. It’s a brand? Ok! It’s also a reason for collisions.

In my garden observation state, I saw the reason why the marigolds are declining. Some uprooted and some just flat eaten! The Deer were under suspect as they eat everything. But I planted marigolds because deer don’t happen to like them.

This week, I stood at the window and watched familiar sight of a squirrel in the yard. (no problem yet). And then as I watched, he grabbed a marigold plant from the ground and dragged it root ball and all to the base of a tree and started eating as if it were the tastiest of delicacies. What?!? Gone. The rest tossed to the side and up the tree he went.

Sleuthers are gonna have working theories that get debunked on the fly. This squirrel is no longer suspected but caught red handed.

Owner of this page... be careful of the sarcasmic factor.

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