Thursday Seeds

Thursday Seeds| Plants are people too!

Plants can be as good at being friends as any person. They love it when you talk and they don’t talk back.

Sure there is science behind that. O2 versus CO2 and who needs what and who expels what.

In the 70’s, it was “talk” to your plants to make them grow. But now most folks are aware of the science behind it.  I’m betting that this is pretty important stuff when you are in the orbit of our plant on the international space station.

And now, most sustainable gardens are known too. Guess why. They don’t stop talking about them!  Ha! You must be a plant! Here’s the trick, don’t SAY anything! [jokes galore in this one]

Organics are a commodity and they are big business. Everything is more expensive in the organic world. So what’s next?


Oh yes, plants and the spirit world. That’s what’s next!  Though in reality, is tracking the phases of the moon that much about spirit? It sort of seems like science to me. Here’s the other thing, they do it with the farmer’s almanac too! That’s an old timey publication that makes an attempt at preserving the heritage of planting from our ancestors. Is it accurate? More than you think.



So let’s go back to spirit world. The trees are telling you something? Yes they are! 

“Don’t cut us down!!”

What is Biodynamics?  Have you heard of it? It’s one step beyond Organics. Its goal is to incorporate plants with animals in a thriving ecosystem.

The best term that I’ve read about it is this: Biodynamics is rooted in the work of philosopher and scientist Dr. Rudolf Steiner. His lectures from 1924 to farmers opened a new way of understanding how to integrate scientific understanding with the recognition of spirit.

  • Each farm is a living organism with plants, animals, trees, soils, compost, people, bugs, and the spirit of the place.  Note to skeptic: many superstitions are rooted in science not yet uncovered.
  • Biodynamics brings animals and plants together.  That means, no meat isn’t necessarily better. But there are cycles where backing off on meat could help bring back a balance… or six.
  • Biodynamics generates on-farm fertility.  The soil is grown and cultivated with preparations that have to do with plants that give fertility based on chemistry needs. It’s the organic version of fertilizers but done in time with the earth’s rotation, the phases of the moon, and rituals that would seem way out there to the logical crowd without backstory or explanation.

Some of the plants in those preparations include, stinging nettle, yarrow, oak bark, dandelion, and comfrey. Some of the manures in preparation are sheep or cows that are grass fed, etc. and they are packed in horns. Why? Think time released nutrients. 

It’s not just the preparations though, the practice is to have a conversation with nature. There’s a part of observation, another part of sensing, and another of listening to the land, to the plants, and to the animals.

One last basic concept on the Biodynamics list is the integrity and diversity of seeds and breeds. One of the reasons GMO is a threat is just that, it does not leave room for this kind of diversity. For one, nature doesn’t work that fast in regard to evolution. And you can be sure there is a reason why but the plants will not tell you that part without many conversations before that.

If you want to read more, here are a couple of sites to check:  and

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