Thursday Seeds

Thursday Seeds | Math is the Way

Math and Calculus are used to create the strength of a lens that can correct our vision. Sure, computers do that mostly now  but it’s all based on math, physics and calculus. Here are pictures for those of you that are already weirded out by this post. 

Math is not bad, it’s GOOD!! I know you could be traumatized by your early teachers, parents, friends that would ask, “You don’t know that?!?” or “You are wrong.” Do not let it!

If the numbers stress you, think of the pictures. Circles, Squares, triangles. Not geometry theorems so much because they could also stress you. Stay in the fun side with me for a bit. All of those numbers and rules add up to amazing pictures and concepts. Learn a few of those and maybe the drill down into the math won’t scare you quite as much?  Just a thought. 

That lens math can also be used to create telescopes that let us see the stars, out at a distance without a drone, or with a drone for that matter!




Recipe for Old Fashioned Pancakes will make 6 cowboy thick ones but you need a full dozen. You need to double the amount and IF there are left overs, the freezer will hold on to those for another rushed morning.

Papaya seedling

I would also like to point out that math is not just done by humans. All the animals and plants around you do it too. They just don’t talk to you about it. Plants for example calculate an estimate of light they can expect to have tomorrow based on how much they got today. They will do the same for water and use these in the equation on how much they can grow in the night. They tells the cells what to do like a construction foreman and in the morning, the plant is taller or it has new leaves or BOTH!


Math is cool. It’s the way. Even your own cells do this too, without you!?! Yes and no.

Peter Higgs a famous physicist just passed away in April. 1929-2024

His physic theory was proven with the particle Higgs Boson which helps in the understanding and proof that Atoms are NOT the smallest unit of matter in our universe.  Here is the theory:

“The Higgs mechanism postulates the existence of the Higgs field which confers mass on quarks and leptons; this causes only a tiny portion of the masses of other subatomic particles, such as protons and neutrons. In these, gluons that bind quarks together confer most of the particle mass.”


One of my favorite Folk Artists, Eddie from Ohio, has this song called “Quick” that talks about how “Albert Einstein was never good at math but he found time down a curving path…”

It gets you to think. Things are not always as they appear when it comes to our world.  Without math, most physics could not be proven.   If you don’t know something, ask! Even if you do it with google or some form of Ai. You will learn. Don’t let fear keep you from it!  Another thing is that there could be more than one way to end up with a correct answer. Don’t let that intimidate you! Keep working.


Owner of this page... be careful of the sarcasmic factor.

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