Autobiographical,  Sketch

White Noise 

This white noise is that common place where minute by minute and day by day, we healed from our wounds both mental and physical. 

This safe place is where spiritual activity found its grounding and meditation opened doors into spaces we didn’t even know existed.  In a way, we did this together. It was intimate and a sharing that later, here in our timeline of now, bonds us together better than any dating app could conceive of.

This oscillating white fan, dirty and old, has now become gold to me, as a symbol of where we come from.


And speaking of those golden eggs that never get old, take care of your goose and she’ll make more. And maybe he’ll understand that we are all gooses-geeses with value beyond our years.

We are all gooses. Once we figure that out, maybe we stop fighting each other.


Our commonality is this white noise but our paths were not the same, not in experience and not in the types of pain.  We did not read the same books, have the same mentors or education other than this foundation of routine and the stream of white noise.

What could happen now, if crossroads determine, is a discovery of those path differences that could serve as the planting bed of this beautiful sustainable garden. 🪴 

Get your stack of books ready. I’ll read yours, if you read mine.

Part 2

White Noise: It’s a memory artery line, that commonality to that specific time and place, that I need. I need it to heal from the wounds of memory manipulation in an effort to understand its structure in the human brain.

It’s a context keeper. It unfurls like a new green fern frond and tentacles grow from it to form the neuron connections to an important data storage place of cells.

There is a tidal wave of anger in all of this regarding lies told to get us here but conversely, there is also a tidal wave of gratefulness that someone, some team recognizes that I need this back and that in the doing of it, more can be learned in how the brain stores and retrieves memories.

That is the definition of win win.

So who’s the point of contact that gets that tidal wave? Not the same one that gets the anger, nope. Now, what if that same person did get both? Could they handle it and still love this girl? Asking for me, and maybe for a friend too.

“I can take it,” he says with a pointed gaze of strength.

And based on the context given without full story, I believe it.


Owner of this page... be careful of the sarcasmic factor.

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